It's been a while (over a year?) since my last post, but I'm still flying and living. Much has happened since my last blog. In summary... I've taken a part time job flying a twin otter once a week (and sponsored a mission trip to Haiti with it), gone in on a Mustang II experimental with friends from the dropzone, started learning how to skydive myself (probably need to dedicate an entire blog entry to this endeavor)and sadly said goodbye to my father in February, a fellow pilot.

In short it's been a busy year, with lots of flying and lots of emotions along the way. My father was a private pilot and we shared many memories and fun trips in his Skyhawk N7783G. After his passing in February from a terminal melanoma my brother took the familiar plane back to Jacksonville FL and is working on his private license. We recently went to Oshkosh together to relive some of the memories my dad and I had flying in there. It's safe to say my brother has inherited the aviation gene as well!

It's a mixed bag for me, however, as much of the fun of flying for me was recounting the adventures of many flight with my dad after the fact. I remember calling him on my cellphone last year and leaving it on during my start up of those big PT-6's on the Otter as jumpers rode down in the van. He was so excited to hear them start up, even from afar. My father always made life exciting and saw the "FUN" in everything he did. I actually even got to go skydiving with him last year before his body gave out. I wouldn't trade that memory for the world!
Here's the skydive link...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmyIYctL4FE
And here he is bungee jumping in New Zealand...he was a "try-er!"...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPqzek4Sin4&NR=1
It's been six months now since my dad "left" this planet, but I've got to admit, I still feel him around and even though I'm left with this bitter sweet feeling after I fly or skydive without him, I still know he's around. And if he was still here in his human form he'd be cheering me and others on to "Jump, Fly, and Enjoy" this life! Bye for now dad, I'll see you on the other side!